Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Carbon Demystified: Visit 1

When I heard about Carbon Pilates I envisioned a gaggle of fit young women in designer workout gear and perfect hair delicately blotting the tiniest sheen of sweat from their throats and talking about how Pilates is the only thing keeping their butts from being huge.

I felt intimidated by my own imaginings. Not only would I be uncomfortable in such an atmosphere because I am not fit, but I have specific impediments to fitness gained by high impact exercise. I have knee injuries that make it impossible for me to participate in aerobics classes or even use a treadmill.

My preconceived notions about this unfamiliar environment percolated through my mind and I had worked myself into a state of mild anxiety by the time I arrived at Carbon. I was pleasantly surprised to find a serene, uncluttered environment populated by people of varying shapes, sizes, and ages.

I was given a clipboard with several forms, including a waiver releasing Carbon from liability and others similar to those you fill out on a first time medical visit, asking about any health issues and what I would like to gain from Pilates. I described my knee and back issues and indicated that I am seeking increased strength and flexibility.

I met with Leah who looked over my paperwork and asked me to point my toe and flex my foot. She told me that my calf muscle is short and my hamstrings are very tight. Apparently in my efforts to protect my injured knees I had learned to walk carefully and somewhat unnaturally. This caused the hamstrings to tighten and led to the leg cramps that I suffer at night, in addition, I only exacerbated the knee pain.

Leah pointed out that in my years as a college student I have slouched over textbooks and computer screens and the muscles of my chest have become tight and pulled my shoulders forward. If left uncorrected this could cause me to become humpbacked. She assures me that this is correctable and will reduce my neck and shoulder tension.

Like most of us seeking fitness, I would like look better and I went into Carbon expecting to be uncomfortable and made to work hard and hurt in the name of vanity. But after speaking with Leah I have come to understand that Pilates at Carbon is about healing your body and making it stronger and more flexible so it can do what you want it to do, it’s about reducing the possibility of injury and pain.

I am excited at the possibility of reducing my knee and back pain but, I hope that I look better too ; )